360 degree view of risk

Global location intelligence that helps you identify, measure, predict and mitigate property risks in real-time.

Accurate risk selection and pricing
360 degree view of risk
Focus on value-add tasks

Full risk insight across all your properties

In a world of global pandemics, financial crashes, natural catastrophes and increasingly complex business risks, it is essential for insurers, brokers and corporates to have near real-time, location-based risk insights to make better decisions. Our multi-layered platform uses advanced predictive algorithms, risk data and visualisations to empower you to achieve more intelligent outcomes and take action on what matters most.


Digital Twins of risk

Digital Twin technology allows the digitalisation of an entire commercial property portfolio and analysis of risks across 100% of locations overcoming the problem of risk understanding at scale. Highly visual dashboards communicate risk at a single location, a client or portfolio level, delivering essential benchmarking. See how Intelligent AI can help your business manage commercial property risks allowing data-led decisions and resources to be deployed on to value-add tasks.

SOV validation solution icon
SOV validation
AI risk Report Reader solution icon
AI ReportReader
Site visualization solution icon
Site visualisation
Online Risk survey solution icon
Map of properties being scanned by Intelligen AI
About XQT
The XQT system utilizes artificial intelligence to play a crucial role in quantitative trading. Firstly, its powerful data analysis capabilities efficiently handle vast amounts of financial data, uncovering potential market patterns and trends, providing vital insights for decision-making. Secondly, intelligent algorithms can construct complex trading models and optimize them based on historical data and real-time market conditions, making trading decisions more accurate and effective. Lastly, the AI system can monitor market changes in real-time, react promptly, and execute trades based on preset rules and strategies, demonstrating high decision-making speed and stability.
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